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#467 The Goal of Life (Embracing the Journey of Self-Improvement)

#467 The Goal of Life (Embracing the Journey of Self-Improvement)

The Goal of Life (Embracing the Journey of Self-Improvement) The Elusive Goal of Life The question of life’s purpose has haunted humanity for millennia. Philosophers, theologians, and everyday people have pondered its meaning, offering diverse and often...
#465 Does Wisdom Come With Age (Maybe)

#465 Does Wisdom Come With Age (Maybe)

Does Wisdom Come With Age (Maybe) Does wisdom come with age? Maybe. While there’s a comforting adage in the silver lining of a wrinkled brow, age alone isn’t a ticket to the sage club. True wisdom requires more than mere chronometers clicking; it’s a...
#464 Saving Face (The Wisdom of Kind Boundaries)

#464 Saving Face (The Wisdom of Kind Boundaries)

Saving Face (The Wisdom of Kind Boundaries) The familiar notion of “saving face” usually evokes images of hiding blunders or anxieties from public view. But within the framework of “kind boundaries,” it’s transformed into a more active...
#463 How to Get Your Happiness Back

#463 How to Get Your Happiness Back

How to Get Your Happiness Back The pursuit of constant happiness is often a road paved with disappointment. The true secret to living a joyful life lies not in expecting smooth sailing, but in learning to navigate the winds of change with a light heart. When we loosen...
#462 How to Follow Your Inner Voice (and not others opinion as much)

#462 How to Follow Your Inner Voice (and not others opinion as much)

How to Follow Your Inner Voice (and not others opinion as much) The struggle between prioritizing your own intuition and succumbing to external pressures is hard. It essentially asks how to tune into your inner voice and make choices based on your own values and...
#461 How To Stop the Hurt (When Others Hurt You)

#461 How To Stop the Hurt (When Others Hurt You)

How To Stop the Hurt (When Others Hurt You) When someone hurts you, it’s natural to want to lash out and hurt them back. However, this reaction is often counterproductive and can lead to more hurt and conflict. Here are some strategies you can use to resist the...
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