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#373 Happiness – Balancing Life (The hardest part of being happy0

#373 Happiness – Balancing Life (The hardest part of being happy0

Finding balance in life is one of the most challenging parts of finding happiness. It is so easy to focus on one “goal” at the expense of living a balanced life. Unfortunately, this always leads to unhappiness. We discuss ways to create a balanced and...
#372 Happiness – Resentment is Like Drinking Poison (and waiting for the other person to die)

#372 Happiness – Resentment is Like Drinking Poison (and waiting for the other person to die)

Resentment is like a poison we carry around inside us, hoping that we can deposit it where it will harm another who has injured us when we get the chance. The fact is that we carry this poison at extreme risk to ourselves. We will explore ways to let it go in this...
#371 Happiness – Cause of Unhappiness (Our false beliefs)

#371 Happiness – Cause of Unhappiness (Our false beliefs)

The cause of unhappiness in life seems numerous and varied. But what causes us to suffer is the false belief systems that tell us things “should” be different. Our beliefs are shaped by our past and present brainwashing. When we understand that our...
#370 Happiness – Little Happiness (Secret of a happy life)

#370 Happiness – Little Happiness (Secret of a happy life)

“One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats, and if some of these can be inexpensive and quickly procured so much the better.”― Iris Murdoch, The Sea, The Sea. The little things in life are indeed where our happiness is nourished. When we look for...
#369 Happiness – Creating Myself in The Image of da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

#369 Happiness – Creating Myself in The Image of da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is considered by many to be the greatest of all paintings. For many, da Vinci’s artistic greatness is attributed to the ongoing refinements of his paintings. What would it take to create ourselves in the image of...
#368 Happiness – Pleasure Seekers (When pleasures come with too big of a price)

#368 Happiness – Pleasure Seekers (When pleasures come with too big of a price)

We love the beautiful pleasures of life. Sitting on the porch of our vacation home while listening to the birds sing. Or we are having a glass of wine at the end of the week to relax. But can these pleasures come with too high of a price if we are working two jobs to...
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