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#378 Happiness -What’s Your Purpose of Life

#378 Happiness -What’s Your Purpose of Life

One of the essential questions of our time here on earth is: “What’s your purpose of life.” It is a difficult question, too, as there are so many opinions on our purpose. But what if we look at all the people we know in life (past and present) and...
#377 Happiness – How To Stop Being Mean (Don’t turn to the Dark Side)

#377 Happiness – How To Stop Being Mean (Don’t turn to the Dark Side)

Sometimes people do some very unkind, mean things to each other. In this talk, we explore how they happen and, more importantly, how to prevent them from ever happening. We can have skills that keep our emotions “safe,” and kindness is always the better...
#376 Happiness – Don’t Give Up (How To Stay Kind)

#376 Happiness – Don’t Give Up (How To Stay Kind)

One of the most demanding challenges we all face in life is how do we respond to unkind actions directed at us. At times, the world can be cruel, and we cannot control it. But what we do have control over is how we respond. In this talk, we explore two negative...
#375 Happiness – Fear Eats the Soul (How to stop feeding my fears)

#375 Happiness – Fear Eats the Soul (How to stop feeding my fears)

Fear eats the soul, as it takes away from the peace of our hearts. But to keep our worries strong, we have to feed these fears. We strengthen our fears through what we expose ourselves to all day long and what thoughts we have throughout the day. We can take specific...
#374 Happiness – How To Let Go Of Regrets

#374 Happiness – How To Let Go Of Regrets

Regret is a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake you have made and a wish that it could have been different. There are ways to overcome regrets and move on with our lives. In this talk, we explore understanding, forgiving, healing, and...
#373 Happiness – Balancing Life (The hardest part of being happy0

#373 Happiness – Balancing Life (The hardest part of being happy0

Finding balance in life is one of the most challenging parts of finding happiness. It is so easy to focus on one “goal” at the expense of living a balanced life. Unfortunately, this always leads to unhappiness. We discuss ways to create a balanced and...
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